My Bio

I was born on June 14 to a very old family of noble Prussian heritage in the capital city of Stettin. My parents, Lord Thumper and Caramelas Cookies, great landowners with an estate on the Oder River, divided their time between our home in Stettin, our Estate by the River, and frequent trips abroad.

Lord Thumper and Caramelas Cookies were considered a great match in their day – joining two wealthy and old families. I am the youngest of four children. I have two brothers, Jenkins and Loxy, and one sister, Fee-Fee. Fee-Fee is the oldest and you can imagine how happy my parents were to have two sons following her birth!

The family estate is on the Oder River where my two brothers oversee the happy peasants as they till the land and raise the livestock. The peasants are so nice! They give us nearly everything they raise so we can be very comfortable. Here's a picture of my brothers at our country estate

And our darling tenant-farmers, who always were so nice to me.

I had a very fun childhood. My family says I was very adventurous and did silly things to get attention. Here is a picture of me sitting in a water pitcher. One night, my mother told me to set the table for dinner because our staff was at a festival in town so I decided to get into the pitcher before dinner to surprise everyone. They teased me at first by pretending not to notice!

I was taught at home like so many of my friends. I had a French governess, Mademoiselle LuLu, who taught me much about art, history, and foreign languages. I insisted that she accompany me on my Grand Tour of Europe stopping for awhile in Venice.

Just before going to Europe, I was presented at Court to the King. This was a very big and exciting moment for me. I was allowed for the first time to wear the family coronet and wings. Everyone said I was quite beautiful and charming – Papa, Mama, and Mademoiselle were so proud!

My experiences growing up really have prepared me for a life of adventure and accomplishment! Unlike many of my contemporaries, I went away to college at Oxford in England and since then have traveled the world and been the advisor to so many very important people. I like to think my heritage and my family life enabled me to have such a wonderful time!

Pomerania is a beautiful land and its people are so open and honest that I inherited the best opportunities for my fun, interesting, and yes, even sometimes zany, adventures.

My father was great friends with the Prussian Emperor, now known as Frederick the Great. He was wise and kind when he said of Pomeranians:

"Die pommern sin von natürlicher Offenheit. Verschmitzheit und Gerissenheit liegt ihen nich. Der kleine Mann is mißtrauisch und dickköpig, auch wohl selbstsüchtig aber weder grausam noch heftig, und die Sitten sind sanft, so daß hier keine Strenge am Platze ist. Die Pommern haben einen geraden und schlichten Sinn. Unter allen provinzen hat Pommern die besten Untertanen für kriegsdienste wie für alle Ämter gern betrauen, weil ihr Freimut sich nicht für Geschäfte eignet. Manche leisten im Finanzfach ziemluch gute Dienste, sie geben gute Offiziere, werläßliche Soldaten ab."

I hope you enjoy my blog. Modern technology is just wonderful and I am so lucky to have lived such a long and healthy life – to see and use these exciting inventions! Please enjoy my antics and adventures.

Fondly, (Lady) Penny the Pomeranian